Best Marketing Strategies and Advertising # 41
You can't see the sign on here, but it says something like "Car accidents kill 600 people a year, smoking kills 6000. Quit smoking to keep it from killing you."
Best Marketing Strategies and Advertising # 42
Obesity finds it hardest to catch up with those who are running. Some obesity awareness advertisement but the government or something.
Best Marketing Strategies and Advertising # 43
Red Cross bottle with words, "Try living on this for three days."
Best Marketing Strategies and Advertising # 44
Reserved for drunk drivers advertisement.
Best Marketing Strategies and Advertising # 45
Samsung: Express your musical side.
Best Marketing Strategies and Advertising # 46
Some playstation advertisement that I don't really get, but it was kinda cool and catchy, so I included it in my list. That and 72 ads take awhile to find.
Best Marketing Strategies and Advertising # 47
Another weird Playstation advertisement. Look closely and notice the clown face. Not sure what the point of it is since I'm not a gamer.
Best Marketing Strategies and Advertising # 48
You probably can't see this, but in the last circle it says "Made in China," on the flag. This is an advertisement for Orion Telescopes. Pretty cool.
Best Marketing Strategies and Advertising # 49
72 Creative Advertising and Marketing Ideas, See the Rest
Additional Ads Not Part of this Archive
Print Ad Archive : Ads 73 thru 7912 Old Advertisements and Vintage Ads for Coke
Target Weekly Ad and/or Other Target Ads
Below is a List of My Most Read Entries
Search Engine Optimization
Presentation Skills & Public Speaking Presentation Tips & Ideas
Sample Marketing Plan IMC Integrated Marketing Communications
72 Examples of Best Print Advertisements
Business Letter Format/ Formal Letter Writing