One-sided versus two-sided messages in marketing message structure

One-sided versus two-sided messages
Should you only tell your customers about the benefits of your product or service? Or should you tell them about the good points and the bad points? This depends on whether you have a friendly customer base, or an unfriendly customer base. By friendly I mean customers who already use the company’s products and customers who probably wont hear arguments against the product. Unfriendly consumers would be those who don’t currently use the company’s products (new customers to the company, for example) and those who are likely to hear claims that oppose your claims (if you happen to know for example that your competitor is running an ad campaign at the same time as you are).

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Use of Resonance in Advertising/Marketing Messages

Message Framing and Advertising/Marketing Message

One-sided VS Two-sided Messages

Comparitive Advertising In Marketing Messages

How Order Effects Marketing Messages

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